
Technical inspections of facilities

Elins is a company that, since 2015, has been conducting technical inspections of facilities throughout Serbia.

The personnel potential for this type of work at Elins is 17 (seventeen) graduated engineers with appropriate licenses from the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, of which 14 (fourteen) are professors from the FTN in Novi Sad, hired on the basis of a supplementary work contract.

Without the slightest modesty, we can state that the reference list of Elinsa on technical inspections of facilities is the most comprehensive and the best in Serbia.

Elins Novi Sad, tehnicki pregledi elektroenergetskih objekata

Design and construction of solar power plants

Design and construction of solar power plants on a turnkey basis. There are no unsolvable problems for us, we have combined knowledge, experience and quality. The result of all this is a satisfied customer-consumer and therefore a cleaner planet.

Elins Novi Sad, solarne elektrane

Energetic efficiency

We can boast of exceptional products and solutions for achieving high energy efficiency and thus cost reduction.

Elins Novi Sad, energetska efikasnost

Production and sales

The company Elins is engaged in production,
import and sale of goods from a wide range of electrical industry.

Elins Novi Sad, proizvodi

Elins doo



Work hour